
Yes, Hi, Hello

I’m not usually this formal.


I’m Abby. After graduating with a Journalism and Marketing degree, I went off into the corporate world full of aspirations to become what I thought was the only option - a cog in the 9-5 routine machine. After years of touting the accomplishments of others, I packed a bag and moved to Southeast Asia.

I know, classic millennial move.

It turns out, moving abroad was the best decision I could’ve made at the time. My experiences working as a camp counselor, serving as a mentor, teaching English, writing, teaching yoga and traversing the globe with nothing but a backpack culminated in realizing my passion is all things Experiential.

I received my Master’s Degree in Experiential Education at the world-renowned Minnesota State University in Mankato, focusing on the benefits of getting outside of the office and into a creative mindset. Leadership Development happens in a place outside of your comfort zone (read: your cubicle) and I aim to serve as a catalyst for uninhibited movement and growth.

I specialize in Team Building Facilitation with a heavy focus on communication best practices, leadership development, values assessments, and the immense value of nature in our everyday lives.

But...What Do You DO All Day

I’m currently serving as the Director of The Leadership Programming at Sugar Lake Lodge - a resort in Northern Minnesota primed with opportunity to collaborate with industry-leading facilitators, learn through outdoor adventure, grow with challenging team building, and get creative in a fresh, new environment.

I’m here to help plan and lead extraordinary offsite retreats. As I make my way through my Master’s program, I’ll be offering unique Leadership Development programming opportunities for groups of all kinds.

Want more info? See what I’m up to on the blog.

STILL want more? Contact me or check out the SERVICES page.

Publications, Clients, & Organizations

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